Thursday, September 22, 2005

So thank you Mr Blair (and Mr Bush)

Why were British soldiers dressed as Arabs? Up to no good, playing dirty games, spies? Well whatever the reason we can be pretty sure that it will not be a good one, never mind the questions of ethics or legality? This is the kind of thing that (Bush and) Blair has got the UK (and the rest of the world) into. The two Arab disguised soldiers get caught in a police control but instead of just surrendering they have a shoot out with the Iraqi police? Taken to the police station/jail they are then broken out of this jail by British tanks, armoured cars, gun ships and goodness knows what else. This is the kind of thing Blair (Bush) has got the UK into.

If you or I were arrested by the police in the UK and some (suspected) incorrect action was carried out by the police while we are under arrest (as so often does happen) we can be sure that the British Judicial system would be severe in its reactions if a bunch of our colleges and friends decided to break down the wall of the jail to release us. It would make little difference if we argued that we were doing it only because in our view the police were acting incorrectly or even dangerously and we were only acting in extreme concern for our arrested friend. Yet the British (and American?) army apparently has its own rules of law and these laws seem to differ greatly to those we have to abide by. These army laws also seem to bend into which ever shape fits the armies own needs at any particular moment. Criminals must be very jealous. The rest of us just have to hope that should we carry out similar acts that our sentence would not be too long. Of course there is also the great risk that Blair might also quickly bring in some so-called terrorist law that covered our misdeeds and these new laws would send us away to jail (not to be rescued by army tanks or friends) for a very long period of time, possibly even without trial. No doubt the government would present all kinds of records of our personal emails, website visits, and video recordings of our movements to back up their claims and the need for such stiff sentences (without trial).

But the British (and American) army? Well they (along with Bush and Blair) can do what they like. Some law to cover any wrong actions will be found (or quickly passed into law) or some convincing (sounding) reason will be found (how about the police were studying books on how to make a nuclear bomb, or even better were starting to make one, or simply that the soldiers had been handed over to militants?).

Let’s not forget that it goes without saying that whatever reason the two British soldiers were dressed in Arab clothes was surely in the best interest of the Iraqi people and the safety of the rest of the world. That whatever actions were being done by these two disguised British soldiers was in the best interests of us all (everywhere in the world), so in the best interest of us all the British army did have to break down the wall of the police station (or jail) to rescue them. Instead of condemning such actions we should be praising them (and Bush and Blair of course since they are the responsible persons)! Even if the rumours are true that the two soldiers were carrying out terrorist actions which could then be blamed on terrorist organisations, well, even if these accusations deem to be true we must remember that they were done in our own best (world) interest. And even though we will never know the true reasons lets not forget to be grateful all the same! So thank you Mr Blair (and Mr Bush).

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