Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Shame on you America!

Is this what USA citizens want for their country? How much lower can the USA go? How much longer are USA citizens going to tolerate this and allow the politics and actions and decisions of certain leading people in Government, CIA, military and congress to drag them down with them?

• illegal invasion of another country
• secret prisons around the world
• torture
• reports of USA soldiers putting prisoners into lion cages
• reports of USA supported government forces pealing off prisoners skins, electric shocks, hanging people up by wrists from ceilings….and…and…and….
• Phosphorus (a chemical!) being used as weapon (questionably breaking international law on use of chemical weapons! and! One of the arguments given as reason for invading Iraq in the first place!)
• Lies and deceptions and manipulation of truth
• Dogs used against prisoners
• Humiliation
• Reports of Religious degradation
• Bombing of women and children
• People arrested and held without trail or legal representation
• Persons arrested on unclear, questionable, weak, superficial and fabricated charges
• Illegal, questionable, dishonest use of foreign countries air space
• Human rights of people everywhere, all persons, being corroded and reduced
• Questionable greater powers being given to forces all over the world without sufficient control or checks or reasons under pressure of Bush's anti terrorism
• Citizens rights all over the world brought into question
• And….and…..and….

The list goes on and on. And the news does not get better. In fact the worst is probably still to come!

Is this what USA are allowing their soldiers to die for? Is this the democracy we hear so much about? Is this the safety we hear so much about? Is this the security we hear so much about?

Is this what the USA citizens (and British citizens) want? How low are we prepared to go?

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