Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Shame on you America!

WHITE PHOSPHORUS :Use of incendiary weapons prohibited for attacking civilians (Protocol III of Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons). Protocol III not signed by US.

You criticise countries, invade countries, But yourself, what do you do? Look at Vietnam and now Iraq once again!

Shame on you America

You talk of democracy and freedoms and human rights

Shame on you America

You illegally invade a country, destroying and killing, to remove a government, only to put another of like in power
Torture, skinning of people, killings, and who knows what more horrors……

Shame on you America

Shame on you Bush, and you too Blair

Is this what we want?

1 comment:

DocAnt said...

*sigh* Another sad thing about the U.S. I'll let you know this...the people would never approve of this! We're just as shocked as you are. It's really embrassing...very embrassing.