Thursday, December 08, 2005

Killing the mentally ill! Shame on you America! Shame on you President Bush!

Killing the mentally ill. This is the result of the „madness“ of President Bush policies and attitude! Is this what you call safety? Is this the kind of safety you want? Does President Bush represent safety or in reality threat? And then to boast about how successful you are (by killing a mentally ill person), this is the real “madness” (See link to Washington post article on right)

Extract from Washington Post Article:

“……Yesterday's shooting death of American Airlines passenger Rigoberto Alpizar at Miami International Airport by a federal air marshal was cited by some congressional leaders and air security experts as the first successful -- if deadly -- example of the government's ramped-up commercial airline security efforts…..

By Keith L. Alexander
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 8, 2005; Page A14…….”

See full article at Washington Post at:

or use link to article on right

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