Thursday, December 01, 2005

Old Mother Hen BBC (Blair Bush Corporation?)

The BBC World (news) Service is back to the “Coronation Street” days (for anyone lucky enough not to know what Coronation Street is, here is a brief explanation. It was a television soap opera series that was set in some dark and dingy working class area of some northern English town many years ago. The series was rerun over the years.) In the Coronation Street settings of grit and coal dust and murky skies the BBC World Service has pulled out the old hair nets, rolled up the tacky hair into oversize hair curlers and pulled the hair nets over the head. They have slipped into those old tatty bathrobes, nightgowns and large fluffy slippers, stuck a fag in one corner of their mouths and with a large chipped mug of tea, “a cuppa”, in one hand they have gone out to that gritty and sooty back yard under that murky northern industrial sky. There they are leaning on the fences gossiping away with all the neighbours and all who will stop and listen about all the latest news, and filling in very large gaps with a little Coronation Street creativity.

Of course the BBC World Service recently had its own variation of “Coronation Street”, it was called Westway (Westway Health Centre). It was taken of the air recently, but too late, the damage had already been done! The BBC has just reported that British doctors are threatening to leave the National Health Service. It was enough to put you off going to the doctors or any health centre for the rest of your life. But, there is nothing like gossip, drama and sensation to add a bit of spice to your “cuppa” tea, is there now! Sometimes it was difficult to tell the difference between Westway and the News Service except the latter might more aptly be called Blair’s Policies Centre and those are most certainly one of the most unhealthiest things there are to human life!

To add spice the that “cuppa” of good old British tea the BBC News Service throws in titbits of Coronation Street “gossip” and reads out listeners comments from around the world. A nice fine blend, news at its purest!

Well goodbye Westway and goodbye other BBC World Service radio programmes. The money is needed for new policies. The BBC World Service has decided it needs the money to set up a new television service, and for whom! Well for the Middle East of course! Where else is the BBC (Coronation Street) service needed so desperately as in the Middle East!

Of course a New York Times article says the Americans are going about it a little differently (see link). The US military are supposedly paying out big-time in order to spread their own “news” propaganda. This is part of a multimillion-dollar covert campaign to plant propaganda into the Iraqi news media by paying friendly Iraqi journalists a monthly stipend.

New tactics, new name – Blair Bush Corporation

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