Monday, October 16, 2006

oh nuts this is really goofy

Bush aides mock evangelicals!

Oh! Oh! Isn’t this just too nuts and goofy!

A BBC News article reports that a new book by a former US official states that top political advisers of President Bush privately ridiculed evangelical leaders, although in public they embraced them so as to get their votes. According to the article (and book) Evangelical leaders were called nuts and goofy by the aides. Well I suppose these are not the worst names you might be able to think of, but all the same it is a kick up the backside, a knife in the back, or however else you might want to describe it, for the (nuts and goofy #*) republican supporting evangelicals.

But just a minute, isn’t it nuts and goofy for evangelicals to be supporting a political party that is involved with so much sexual inclined email, scandals, moral breaking if not law breaking lawmakers, political or moral incorrectness if not downright illegal practices, death and destruction, and you name it?

Not to mention a US House leader that refuses to resign despite allegedly being involved by nature of having been informed in this email sex scandal!

Quote from the James Coomarasamy BBC News article: “……White House spokesman Tony Snow denied the accusations, saying “……When [the president] talks about the Faith-Based Initiative, this is one of these things where he believes years and years down the road... this is going to be one of the signal accomplishments - harnessing the power of faith in dealing with some of the most intractable problems our society faces………."

(full article at:

Did he mean “harnessing the power of faith in dealing with some of the most intractable problems…….. of getting us (Republicans) (back) in office” ?

Oh nuts this is really goofy

Some (
nutty goofy) is going to have to get out those Ten Commandments and give them a good dusting down, or did we bury them long ago along with so many other (moral) bodies?

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