Sunday, October 15, 2006

Secret Service bullies and threatens kids

According to a Yahoo News (Associated Press) article a 14 year old girl was pulled out of her classroom and questioned after she posted a picture of President Bush, with "Kill Bush" scrawled across the top and with a drawn dagger stabbing the president’s outstretched hand. Apparently she later withdrew this from her Web page on after being informed at school that such threats are a federal offence.

(quote from article at:

“…….. said the agents threatened her by saying she could be sent to juvenile hall for making the threat.

"They yelled at me a lot," she said. "They were unnecessarily mean."……..”

(end of quote).

The secret service agents had first gone to her home and questioned the girl’s mother, they left promising to return later when the girl was home from school, however without informing the parents they then went to the school and pulled the girl out of her classroom and made the above said threat and yelled at her.

Perhaps a foolish thing for the girl to do but let’s face it teenagers do foolish things, and always have done!

That it now goes so far with the secret service that they start threatening and bullying teenagers and treating them in this way is hardly surprising under the countries leadership of President Bush who (in my opinion) bullies the whole world.

Under the leadership of President Bush secret services and security services have been given excessive and unbalanced and practically uncontrolled power, excessive fears and phobias and uncertainty exist all over the USA and around the world, illegal invasions of foreign countries, illegal arrests and detention of people, deterioration of human rights and civil liberties, torture, military abuse, dead and wounded, homes and lives destroyed, congress lawmakers caught in scandals, illegal actions, corporate malpractices, sexual tinted emails from congress members to teenagers…….no wonder teenagers are now being pulled out of school classes and being yelled at and threatened by secret service agents!  

Who is safe anywhere in the world under the leadership of President Bush? Teenagers aren’t but no one is, anywhere, not just in the USA!

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