Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bush prefers bad jokes to reality

Well Bush should know all about not being able to speak properly and stumbling over bad jokes, after all he trips over his own often enough, remember that joke down in New Orleans after Katrina, when he preferred a bad joke to the reality?

Or have we forgotten New Orleans and Katrina and what happened there, under Bush?

Have we forgotten that 101 U.S. soldiers died last month alone! Not to mention the thousands and thousands of Iraqi and Afghanistan civilians, a majority of them innocent civilians, women and children

But, as usual, Bush is so desperate for something good in his life he grasps with all his might at the same kind of misplaced joke that he himself is famous for. Bush tries to paint Kerry as unpatriotic and insulting towards "our soldiers" but the blood of so many of those soldiers has been spilt and continues to be spilt, along with so much other blood, because of his leadership, a leadership that misled the American people, including the soldiers, and the rest of the world, and continues to mislead. A government racked with scandals and corruption of all kinds. A government that has no clear strategy other then spread fear and destruction in America and around the world. All that the so-called failed joke of Kerry does is prove that he as a person is not suited for what he is trying to do.

Bush prefers to grab hold of one persons (and an irrelevant person in this moment anyway) inability to formulate himself correctly without being misunderstood rather than lead the country and the world in a healthy harmonious way.

But, lets face it, it’s not Bush that has to clean up the blood, try to stitch the ripped off limbs back on, pick up the pieces of shattered lives. It is not Bush who is blown up. All he can really do is “blow up” the bad jokes of someone else! Yet, we have seen that does not really bother Bush, cracking his own stupid jokes at times of national and international emergencies is his way of governing and supporting those “our boys”!

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