Thursday, November 09, 2006

we are just too stupid

In his last speech Rumsfeld said that the question of Iraq was and is too complicated, there are just so many issues we do not understand, one day we are going to look back and thank him, and the soldiers who are dying……..well I guess we are all just too stupid, so it is a pity we loose such a wise man as Rumsfeld who kept the world nice and safe and secure and peaceful.

But, let’s look on the bright side of things, we still have President Bush in office so I am sure he will keep up the good work. And anyway papa Bush certainly wouldn’t leave his son all alone up there in Washington doing all that good work on his own, no sir, no doubt he has recommended the good family CIA friend, and former colleague of papa to take over the job, keep the reigns in the hand, so to speak …….

I mean, lets face it, the CIA is the ideal background for the job, getting things done in secret, not letting anyone know what the real truth is and what is really going on, providing arms and ammunition to groups to fight other unwanted groups and then fighting the groups you gave the arms and ammunition to by supporting other groups and then fighting……..….well sorry about my confusion, it gets a bit hard to keep track of exactly what the CIA do and don’t do, but as Rumsfeld said; its complicated and I guess I am too stupid to understand it all……..

but aren’t soldiers being killed now because of the earlier work of the CIA …….oh okay sorry, people like me cannot really understand such things, we just don’t get the bigger picture…….yeah thank goodness for the Rumsfeld’s in this world, the CIA, and president Bush………at least we can count on them to do the right thing

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