Thursday, December 10, 2009

Back-Tracker Obama

It is not often I write on this Blog anymore, but today I thought I just had to write a few lines. After all today is the day that the Noble Peace Prize lost its value. Possibly all of the Noble Prizes. The people of the future who will be unlucky enough to be awarded the Noble Peace Prize will receive a worthless award, although admittedly they will also get a nice bit of pocket money and perhaps that will make up for the disappointment of the empty award.

It will be really difficult to take the Noble Peace Prize serious anymore, not after it has been awarded to a warmongering President of the USA who has done absolutely nothing to deserve this award besides giving many fancy speeches and send many more troops to war and condemning very many people to die, not to mention the amount of destruction.

It is hard to imagine what made the Noble Prise committee take this incredulous decision, but for whatever reason it has marked the prize as being a political one. No longer will be able to see it as being awarded solely for genuine peace actions spread out over a long period of time. From now on it can only be seen as a political tainted choice. Not solely in the interests of peace but for obscure political reasons. Perhaps it was always so, but at least it was hidden in the background but now the award is stained forever.

While receiving this award Obama gave a speech trying to deflect criticism for his warmongering, as always with American Politicians (and a lot of others too) they proclaim they are not doing (the war) for themselves (America) but for the World. They switch their tunes like a fashion model switches clothes. When it fits them they are doing (whatever) for the world (So everyone should stick their nose into it) and when it suits them in another mood they are doing it (solely) for American interests (and everyone else should keep their nose out of it).

I don’t remember being asked by President Obama or by anyone else in America, so how come you say you’re doing it for me? Because I don’t want you to, so you can stop doing it right this minute. Of course you won’t. Because when the truth is told, you are not doing it for me or other people like me. This argument style we hear more and more from America. On the war area, the (illegal) invasions, on the climate, on financial, on companies...and a whole list of others.

Of course Obama has done a little, and without doubt he is better than Bush, but just look at how many things he promised or talked about in his fancy speeches and then later back-tracked on them. Lots of things! Far too many! He has done nothing to speak of about the bankers and financial sector. And he would seem to be just another warmonger President.

It is a really sad day for the Noble Peace Prize. Peace just died.


Added on Friday 11 December 2009 :

I have just read this article:  “Obama's Big Sellout” 
When I have a little more time maybe I write a little more on this subject but for the moment it fits my views (also expressed above) and I highly recommend reading it! There is no doubt that Obama has done a complete turnabout from all those election speeches and promises and the picture on Rollingstone rings true. I am only surprised that so few people (and reporters) are not reacting to what is going on!

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