Friday, May 25, 2007

America rushes in more killing tools to kill even more innocent people

Lebanon: America rushes in even more killing power to the Lebanon army. They are not content with shells that are killing innocent people.

“do they think we are not humans” said a Palestinian man who managed to escape “don’t we look like humans” he cries “don’t we have any human rights”

Children, women and men, innocent, are being killed, maimed and having their lives and their homes destroyed. Ironically enough they are already refugees, having lived in makeshift camps. Young people have grown up there not knowing any other life.

But this is a picture that is all too familiar under the world political leadership of President Bush and Tony Blair.

Human Rights!

Forget human rights and human lives under George W. Bush.

Just look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, and countless other examples around the world. Just look at the world situation in general. Just look at the state of civilian and human rights even in America.

Spineless the world stands by watching. Spineless the politicians and majority of people watch, and above all those in America.

Jimmy Carter retracts his criticism.
The democratic party give in to Bush.
And spineless political leaders order their armies to shell and bomb and kill either their own citizens or other innocent people.

Let us take a look at another spineless time in history that led to similar great tragedies:

Hitler did not gather power overnight. He started in 1919 with the promise of “….extreme 'remedies' to Germany's post-war problems which he and many others blamed on…(Jews and Bolsheviks)…”

In fact in 1923 Hitler was imprisoned but after being released “…..he began to rebuild the Nazi Party and used new techniques of mass communication, backed up with violence, to get his message across….”

There was great fear about due to the economic crises of the time. Hitler used this fear and increased it to develop his power and build his army and to get across his political views and ideas.

“….Hitler saw himself as a political evangelist seeking to convert the German people to his 'world view'……”

You can manipulate situations and circumstances to good or less good needs. Hitler knew how to manipulate circumstances to force on other his 'world view'

Many times he could have been stopped but there was too much fear of personal circumstances and Hitler fed that fear with more fear and ideas and blames for the cause of that fear and the personal (bad) circumstances. There was uncertainty, a desire for security, there was confusion, there was the inability to decide what was best, there was longing, there was the protecting – no matter how falsely, foolishly, unwisely – there was the personal and family concerns, their was the false and misleading information, the manipulations, ……but above all there was the great fear (ever so powerful in the wrong hands) and the inability to act and the complete inability to see or accept the real truth, see what really was going on (and fear will do this)………

And there were the spineless. Those so many who could have changed things but did not. Mostly too worried about their own personal positions and situations. They allowed themselves to be manipulated, and look where that led!

In 2007 are things really any different?

We have not learnt from history.

And human rights and human lives are being treated now as then!

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