Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Corporation

The Corporation © Joel Bakan 2004, 2005

Below are review and back cover page extracts copied from the book “The Corporation”, publication Constable & Robinson Ltd, 2004/2005 (Book first published in USA by Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster Inc, 2004)

Do you work for a psychopath?

Are they grandiose, manipulative and unable to feel remorse?
Do they relate to others superficially, presenting themselves in ways that are appealing but deceptive?
If so, you might well be working for a corporation. Required by law to maximize returns to shareholders, the publicly traded corporation enjoys an inhuman clarity of purpose. As Bakan argues in what is both a diagnosis and a course of treatment, it is time to see corporations for what they are, and to take steps to defend ourselves against them.

“The opposite of a blunderbuss-wielding Michael Moore, Bakan is a Canadian law professor whose brief is as well-ordered, concise and sober as the accusation is grave: behind its benevolent face, the most important institution of modern capitalism is a Frankenstein's monster that has broken its chains and is now consuming the society that created it”
Simon Caulkin, Observer

“No matter how cuddly and cute big business pretends to be, in the end it loves money much more than it loves you. Wake up and smell The Corporation.”
Stephen Applebaum, Sunday Herald

“Unlike much of the soggy thinking peddled by too many anti-globalizers, The Corporation is a surprisingly rational and coherent attack on capitalism's most important institution.”
The Economist

“This fine book was virtually begging to be written. With lucidity and verve, expert knowledge and incisive analysis, Bakan unveils the history and character of a devilish instrument that has been created and is nurtured by modern states”
Noam Chomsky

"The world is going to hell in a handbasket. What can we do about it? We say-read one book, see one movie ... Call your friends, your enemies and your family. Get your hands on a copy of this movie and a copy of this book."

"Bakan's analysis is strong on pinpointing problems with current business."
Harvard Business Review

"All senior business executives should find the time to read this well-researched and well-written book ... The Corporation will force you to reflect on what really matters, both in one's life and in one's company."
The Globe and Mail

"His prose is soothing, free of scholarly clottedness and leftist stridency. The reader is impressed-thrilled even-to watch him coolly denude the corporate person until it stands naked and vulnerable. . ."
Vancouver Sun


(Note: A Multi-Award Winning Documentary version is available on DVD)

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