Saturday, October 15, 2005

The most powerful man in the world (or the most dangerous)

It might be easy to mistake this website as a political platform and one that perhaps favours the Democrats over Bush and the Republicans. Yes, Bush gets mentioned in unfavourable light many times but this is simply because he as the President of the USA literarily affects the whole world in all ways possible. Even beyond this world we call Earth. These ways are so diverse and possibly so hidden or indirect that we are often not aware of them as we try to live our own daily lives. Yet they have such drastic influence on our lives, even if we are not aware of this, and will have even greater influence for later or for our children’s lives and futures. Even for “life” as we know and understand it.

In truth the articles on this website are written without any particular political party connections and written more from a genuine and personal concern for certain aspects of our modern life. One of the these concerns is the extremely alarming and extremely unhealthy and volatile situation we have where one man has so much power in and basically over the whole world, and even more so when that one man is a person like President Bush. He is not only the most powerful person in the world but also the most dangerous. In my opinion this situation goes far beyond any discriminations or allegiance to or for any particular political party, or party political beliefs. This has to do with “life” itself!

This position of where one man has so much power over the world has been developing hand in hand with the development of those institutions we call corporations. In fact we see the same phenomena within the corporation’s setup. Colossal corporations gobbling up rivals and the lesser and where more often than not one man has great power, even when there is a board of directors. We might like to delude ourselves that we helped vote in our present political leaders but in reality it is mostly not us but the influence of large sums of money and the support of influential and powerful allies, mostly from the business world, who decide who is going to be the winner. We are just the pawns in the game. Certainly the stakes are the highest in the country where the most powerful man in the world is to be elected. But this does not exclude countries such as the UK, Germany, Australia, Italy, Russia, or wherever you like to name! It certainly does not exclude people, who we call “leaders”, such as Tony Blair!

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