Monday, October 10, 2005

President Bush and the Power of America (Earthquakes, Floods, Mud Slides and Disasters)

How come it takes the most powerful nation on the earth with helicopters close by in Afghanistan so long to get those helicopters to help in the disaster region of Pakistan? How come those helicopters were not mobilized immediately it was known about the earthquake and the disaster? Once again, just like in the New Orleans disaster, we see how the government of Bush reacts to disasters, particularly those of poor people. Perhaps the so-called “war on terror” is far more important than using resources to aid poor people. It certainly takes Bush’s government long enough to move into action when it does not concern his pet project. Had the disaster been one concerning “the Bush war on terror” then the sky above the area would have been buzzing with helicopters and American planes within hours and American transport convoys would be long since heading for the area. Since Pakistan is a close ally of America in Bush’s war on terror then surely you would expect a fast response from America with little diplomatic complications. But responding to terror threats and disasters are not the same thing to the government of Bush, which we have already seen in the USA itself with the New Orleans disaster. Helping the poor of the world, even in the USA, would not seem to have a high priority. Bush is focused predominantly on one thing and one thing alone, his war on terror! Oh, and of course his sliding popularity rates! Are the American people finally waking up to the “disaster” they have voted into office? And what about those mud slides so close to home?

1 comment:

loren said...

The answer to your question is that Afghanistan (thanks to us) is a soverign nation, so foreign military forces cannot simply enter and operate at will, the Afghan government must request their presence. Same for Pakistan.

Your bias toward President Bush is really obvious, and pretty much blind with rage. Just like the other liberals. Throw something at him no matter what, blame him and tear him down because anything at all comes up, because Democrats are a bunch of sore losers who are out of power. The goal is to get back into power - the heck with America itself, and what is right, wrong or fair.

They hope the economy plunges so he'll look bad - never mind that so many people are hurt if it does. They secretly chortled with gleee at the New Orleans disaster, never mind that so many died, because it allowed them to throw more hate at the president (never mind that it was mostly Nagin's fault -- the only one who DIDN'T step up and accept blame).

If you were objective, you would check it out and see that president Bush has spent FAR more on the poor than President Clinton or any other president ever has. What? Yes, true! But's let's bury anything that would give him credit, and claim the opposite as you have done, because it allows more hate to spew!

I usually don't write comments like this, but I'm sick and tired of hate mongering Democrats and liberals with their phony laurels. Just look at your own blog. One hate speech after another. Is that really all you want to live for?