Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Move over Tony Blair, I‘m (Angela Merkel) on my way!

The Maggie Thatcher (Iron Lady) of Germany with her shoe laces tied together? For many in former communistic countries America symbolised the land of hope and dreams where everything was possible and all could be attained. Angela Merkel was brought up in one of these communistic countries. Today she was elected to lead the coalition party in Germany. As the writer of her autobiography said in a radio interview she likes power, the longing for power is her driving force. He never mentioned any other human attributes! She herself has declared that Germany should belong to the top three in Europe and not the bottom three. Of course she did not really get around to mentioning the unemployed and social matters, just her aim to get Germany in the top three, which means money and power to the few, of which she would be one. After all she has learnt how it works in the former East Germany. No doubt she is now getting out the Stars and Stripes, (the stuff of communistic dreams) and dusting it down. I can’t imagine she is the type of woman to get out the needle and threads (that’s only for sissy women) to repair the rips and tears caused by “that last leader” (stated in a very un-lady like way no doubt) so she will either send it around to that last leader and let him do the sewing (after all he caused the damage!) or she will give the command for one of her favourite industrialists to get the robot controlled machines going to churn out a few extra thousand or so of the flags ( she can stick them all over the place then and stick them…..!). Whichever, we can be sure they will be happily slapping in the breeze in the near future. As for Tony Blair, well perhaps he has been relegated to the doghouse anyway and he is too busy trying to make sure he will get remembered for something good (some things are almost impossible, but still) instead of being remembered for illegally invading another country, and with so much blood on his hands he might be wishing he never set such hungry poodle like eyes on one of those very same flags.

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