Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Poor Industrialists and Shareholders

German industrialists are unhappy, they want to be able to hire and sack workers at will. This they say is the solution to the economic situation of Germany (and Europe). Preferably they want to get rid of the German social system (all social systems). Everything would be alright then. This in reality means that everything would be alright for them, the rich and the bank accounts of shareholders. Of course for the vast majority of people things would be far from alright. But industrialists, the rich and shareholders are not interested in the majority of people. They are only interested in having more power, more money and more of all the things they already have or want. It is the same the world over. Poverty is increasing around the world while the minority of rich are getting richer and richer and only wanting more and more. More and more power the world over is falling into the hands of a few people (globalisation).

Even in America the people have had to wake up to this fact, they are no longer spared this reality, and like workers everywhere they too are becoming the disposable objects of the minority of industrialists and shareholders. Factories are closed with arguments that this is necessary in order to keep the company afloat and make it profitable - but at the same time the wages and awards of directors and the profits for the shareholders are indecently large and out of all proportion. The few get fat and rich and the majority get thrown on the disposable rubbish heap. Other factories and business are moved to countries where labour is cheap – once again to fatten the pockets and bank accounts of a few. The same applies to robots taking over human work.

As long as the minority are allowed to get richer then the situation will not change, in fact it will only get worse. The old protections workers had are slowly being corroded away, (like in the GM agreements with the unions), by legislations and desperate union agreements and by right-wing governments and by the power already given by workers to the tiny minority of industrialist, directors and shareholders. Look at Microsoft as one example.

As long as workers (white-collar or blue-collar) and people everywhere do not start taking serious heed of the warnings given in such documentaries as “The Corporation” then those disposable heaps will only grow larger and larger with workers, and their families, and their children, while the pockets and power of the few, of the minority, will grow fatter and fatter. As long as the workers everywhere do not stop dreaming, hoping and waiting for things to change then the fat will only get fatter and richer and the heaps higher and things will not change.

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