Sunday, November 20, 2005

Recipe for Disaster

During his tour of Asia President Bush declared that a quick withdrawal from Iraq would be a recipe for disaster. I would never have imagined that President Bush knew much about recipes, and even less about cooking. However, he is quite right. Recipes in the wrong hands are certainly recipes for disaster. So take heed and make sure that your health insurance is fully paid up and at the highest premium, while at the same time making sure that your last will and testament has been written. Recipes in the hands of those who do not know what to do with them are certainly recipes for disaster. And who knows what distasteful things you might find in them, or at what risk to your health. But don't worry, the President was only quoting the US Army General in command in Iraq. (The President was only doing what the army knows is a good tatic, cover your back!) And the army are good at taking the heat (even without cooking), even though army recipes are not known for being that good (although they are always cooking up something or other so should get lots of practice), and these recipes are most certainly often recipes for disaster!

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