Monday, November 21, 2005

Some more Recipes: CIA Recipes

Speaking about recipes apparently the CIA know a thing or two about this as well. Wouldn’t of thought so, but times have changed and perhaps the core of the CIA is bunch of women these days, after all women are usually better at cooking than men (in fact they are better than men in a whole lot of things!). Yet if anyone is known for cooking and recipes of disaster it certainly is the CIA. Of course CIA recipes might fit more into the Harry Potter, Wizard of OZ, Loony the Magical Magician, Arabian Nights, Houdini, and James Bond type of magical recipes. Recipes for things like (people) disappearing powders, secret doors, dark and hidden dungeons, magical and secret flights, torture rooms where they don’t get their (own) hands dirty, secret (stink) bombs, muddy water, hidden prisons, the magic of extracting confessions, invisible ink type documents…and a whole list of recipes. For some reason the CIA recipe ability has got a whole lot better since President Bush has been in power. There must be a whole lot of cooking (recipe) lessons going on in places like Washington and Langley with all kinds of ingredients being mixed together. Who would have thought President Bush to have so much kitchen talent! As for the CIA! Well they just love to (magically) mix things anyway so what’s does a few missing “ingredients” mean to them, they’ll always find some more! But, if you need a recipe for a birthday cake…well it might just be better to get it elsewhere..and I don't think you should call them if you want someone to do (magical) tricks at the children's party.

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