Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The School Bully

President Bush has just been travelling around Asia demanding more democracy, freedom, and human rights! And this from a President of a country that:

illegally invades another country; kills men, women and children; holds prisoners without trial and legal representation; has secret prisons and does not disclose details of prisoners; uses humiliation, dogs, lions and torture techniques on prisoners; hands prisoners over for torture in other countries; uses religious degrading techniques; bombing and shooting of women and children; arrests and holds people without trial; Uses phosphorus as weapon and breaking international law on use of chemical weapons – but a law the USA refuses to sign, and the reasons are clear; arrests people on unclear, questionable, weak, superficial and fabricated charges; treats its own coloured citizens as second or third class citizens; puts prisoners to death; has violent and rape orientated prisons; high percentage of emotionally disturbed put in prisons rather than hospitals; refuses to join actions to save our planet; uses political, financial, and military threats and force to achieve own means; reduces active human rights;….…and the list goes on.

We all know of the school bullies who terrorize schools with “do as I say, not as I do”. Who together with henchmen beat and bully other children to do what they want, and hand over money and anything else they want. Is this then democracy, freedom and human rights?

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