Monday, July 31, 2006

Israel Politics: The modern Murderers?

For all too long the Western countries and the World in general, under the leadership of extremely biased American politics, have stood by and watched as Israel has carried out one action after another that is nothing short of being classed as murder. And “we” (the people of the World) have done nothing to stop this!

In the latest incident of murder where, once again, so many children died the American Foreign Minister Rice expresses “her regret” at this incident. When the New York towers “incident” happened the outcry was not one of “regret”, far from it! But this is a typically example of the extremely biased politics of America, and the world politics under Americas leadership. Both Israel and America cry “blue murder” when an accident happens involving them or their people but, at the best, only expresses regret when it involves others, especially if the others happen to be Muslims, Arabs or any other such….? Clearly there is still an attitude of “those worthy” and those “less worthy” (such as how the Americans treat the black people and Southern American people in their own country – even if they were born there!). If you happen to be Lebanese women and children sheltering from illegal and human rights violations actions of bombing and shelling than clearly you belong to the “less worthy” (minimal) classification. The same applies to people and countries such as Palestinian, Iraqi, and Afghanistan (not forgetting Iran, Syria and even countries and such as Cuba or any other country that does not abide by the tyrants wishes and politics). If you are an Israeli or American then you belong to the “chosen ones” and can do practically anything you want, and get away with it! If you are an innocent Lebanese (or Palestinian or Iraqi) women or child then you are just an “unavoidable victim of war” and certainly the Americans or the Israelis are not to blame for this! No, it is the fault and the politics of “someone else" and "their politics”, and you are (anyway) not one of the “chosen ones” but (regrettably!) an unfortunate “less worthy”! And to give a form credibility to blaming these “others” we will call them “terrorists”, and this makes everything alright, and even a sense of “legality” (!!!) in the eyes of the world, and we can then do whatever we want, and get away with anything we want or do!

The Jewish people suffered terrible atrocities at the hands of the Nazis. Yet are the actions and politics of Israel any better? It would seem as though the wounds from those terrible atrocities have turned into actions that seem almost similar to, if not the same as the actions of the Nazis and the guards of those terrible camps (even if of a different degree, intent and purpose!).

For too long we have listened to arguments that are supposed to justify the actions of Israel and we have tolerated these arguments and the actions, regardless of the results and consequences. We have stood by, yet in our hearts can we say that we agree with these actions? Are we not listening to the arguments and allowing ourselves to be persuaded that there is no other alternative? That Israel, and America; are not to blame! That they are only reacting, defending! That they are threatened and have no choice! Is this really true? Did not the Nazis provide arguments for their actions? And in the beginning the world stood by and listened to and accepted those arguments although the world did not really feel happy about them. And what were the consequences of the worlds passive reaction then?

How much longer are “we” (the people of the world) going to stand passively by and just accept arguments that allow a nation or nations to once again carry out atrocities and human right violations and actions of killing – no matter what the ground arguments are provided for this!?

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