Thursday, August 03, 2006

The world still stands by and watches the atrocities of Israel

Ever since Bush and Blair came into power the world has seen nothing but increased upheaval, war, killings, destruction and all forms of atrocities around the world. Human rights and the possibility for real democracy have decreased greatly, even in countries that were supposed to be democratic, such as in the UK and America. Both leaders express a religious foundation to their moral judgements and actions, but if so we can only consider it to be one similar to the churches witch hunts and inquisition. They are not only burning at the stake democracy, freedom, human rights and moral decency they are actually, directly or indirectly, slaughtering thousands of people, nearly all of whom are just innocent people trying to live their lives as best they can.

Who are the real instruments of “terror” and “evil”?

In the time of the churches inquisition is was innocent people like women, who because they drowned when thrown into water, or burnt at the stake, proved that they were “guilty”. Once again we are putting innocent people to the “tests”, test created by the modern witch hunters, and the innocent once again die because they have been (falsely) “found guilty”, but guilty of what? Guilty, just like in the inquisition, of being the innocent victims of overzealousness, petty mindedness, twisted thinking, deranged minds, psychologically disturbed characters and minds, false fears, lies, deception, arrogance, stupidity, anger and hate, maliciousness, bully attitudes, false superiority ideas, unresolved personal psychological wounds, or perhaps just pure badness. Guilty for any of the above. Guilty of trying to live their lives happily. Guilty because of their nationality, or skin colour, or the place they live. Guilty because they have been placed into a lower class by those who think they have the right to do this. Guilty because simply they have been condemned as being guilty by others and therefore are guilty.

Once again the innocent are being found “guilty” and dying.

Once again a form of inquisition takes place in the world.

And (we) the world stand by and watch, or even take part, directly or indirectly.

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