Monday, August 28, 2006

Bush: A liar and getting senile? Who, him or us?

An article (and the responses to this article) in the Politics selection of (link on right of page) stimulated me to write my own response, reproduced below (also published on

Lies; extreme fear of public speaking; just drunk; bad conscience; brain trauma; average intelligence; drugs; Alzheimer’s; the poor guy - leave him and our great nation alone; not as good an actor as Reagan – difficult to hold a thread in mind (under pressure); democratic plot; unpatriotic (traitors)…the list goes on.

Aren’t the reactions amazing! Are we talking about some top national comedian celebrity, or some Reality Television show? If we were then probably that person or that show would be getting top viewing ratings. Well judging by the comments and reactions many of us are more than a little confused by what we are “watching” (witnessing); is it some tragic comedy or a Reality Television Show disguised?

What are we watching then (or participating in) if it is not a comedy or reality television?

The President of the USA, the leader of the most powerful nation in the world, and a government that has also taken on (undemocratically and unasked for) the role of policing the world.

Katrina: a city destroyed, people dead, over a billion dollars of aid funds missing; Iraq: a country illegally invaded; thousands of dead, chaos, war, billions of dollars in aid gone missing; Terrorism: democracy and freedom severely curtailed and reduced, increased terrorism and threat of; Stability: instability around the world; Fear: use of fear to gain control and manipulate to achieve aims and hidden agendas; ….the list goes on!

Surely there can be little doubt that Bush struggles with a web of lies. Yet no one seriously looks at the psychological background history of Bush and answers the question if this person is “fit” to lead the nation, which has also taken on the (undemocratic and unasked for) role as “world policeman”. Instead we say things like: it is difficult to hold a thread in your mind while under pressure….your a liar…..

After all who wants a president that polices the world to be able to hold a thread in his mind under pressure, and who tells the truth?

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