Monday, September 25, 2006

Roots of Disease

Most of us are aware that if a plants roots are diseased then the whole plant will suffer from this disease. The roots of a nation are the politics and the political leaders. They make and change laws and structures that run as roots throughout society. If the roots are diseased then society becomes diseased and suffers.

The Los Angeles Times reports on what it says is
“…..a troubling picture of abuse by U.S. Special Forces units deployed to the country (Afghanistan)…..”

(See: Questionable Deaths, in Secret. By Craig Pyes and Kevin Sack. Times investigation: A Special Forces team in Afghanistan failed to alert superiors about 2 detainee deaths. Witnesses tell of torture. Second of two parts.

(Story also published as: "In Cowboy and Indian Country:" A Special Forces Unit in Afghanistan. By Kevin Sack and Craig Pyes.

This story limits itself mainly to that of a 10-member Special Forces (Green Berets) team (part of the Alabama National Guard) and whose commander nominated each of his men, and himself (!!!!), for medals for valour.

In stark contrast to the heroic tales the soldiers apparently told on their return from duty in Afghanistan the article paints a picture of deceit, beatings, killings and torture.

(Extract from article) “……What distinguishes these two fatalities from scores of other questionable deaths in U.S. custody is that they were successfully concealed — not just from the American public but from the military’s chain of command and legal authorities…..”

How often do we hear statements such as “well we are fighting a dirty war so we have to do dirty things in return”, or other such sentiments? All too often!

The people of America and many of the UK too, are not prepared to accept reality: the roots are diseased and the disease has spread.

And what about us? How much longer are we going to continue to act like plants, diseased plants?

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