Monday, September 25, 2006

Some snippets of News from Monday 25 September 2006

30 Minutes

The Pope met today with several Muslim nations' envoys for about 30 minutes and made a speech (or was it preached?). The Pope said (preached?) that dialog was necessary between the religions.

Echoes of the British Labour Conference

Gordon Brown who is hoping to replace Tony Blair as the new Prime Minister of Britain parroted the views and policies of Tony Blair at the Manchester labour party conference.

George Bush hides his anguish

For everyone to read, the news article heading: Bush keeps his war anguish hidden, but apparently the fact that he keeps this hidden is not hidden! (That’s a real man for you!)

Shit Justice

Real (rats!) Justice! Courts in garages and basements. Judges that are sewage workers (shit!), truck drivers (known for their sensitivity and roadside manners) and manual workers (get those steel capped boots on), most of whom have only scant knowledge of the basics of law and at least one who did not even get past primary school. Are we talking about some backward Third World Country? No, this is in America. In a protection order case one of these judge's (a truck driver?) said: “Every woman needs a good pounding every now and then.” The list of these judge’s abuses of the law and the power they have is long and varied and it is incredibly hard to believe that such things can happen today….but, who is supposed to make sure that this does not happen…yes, you have guessed it, the government….and who is in charge at the top….yes, you have guessed right again….George Bush!!!!! there is a person who believes in real (truck drivers-sewage workers) justice for you!

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