Thursday, September 28, 2006

Snippets of news from Wednesday 27 September 2006

An applause of blood

It was just as though in order to get a better view while doing their best to ignore the stench they stood on the bodies of the dead, torn and damaged limbs, and the wreckage of children with no parents, the rubble of homes and lives and with the shadow of blood dripping from their hands the British Labour Party applauded their leader. There were once those who thought Hitler was a great hero leader despite the horror of blood on his hands.

He that points the finger

President Bush accuses those who released details of the Iraq war report. He says “he did right by going after people who want to harm America”. At no time has it been proved, nor is there any evidence that Iraq or its leader at that time was ever a threat to America or even had any intentions of this nature or had any connections to any terrorists who might have this intention!

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