Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Some snippets of News from Tuesday 26 September 2006


During a speech given by the British Minister Gordon Brown (said to be the person most likely to replace Tony Blair as prime minister of the UK) in which he stated it had been a privilege to work with Tony Blair the wife of Tony Blair was supposedly heard to say liar (according to the BBC). What is not yet quite clear is whether she was referring to Gordon Brown or her husband! But, perhaps we already know the answer to that!

Teddy bear is killer

According to a news story a teddy bear has been implicated in 2,500 deaths. The dead were fish. A teddy bear (perhaps while foolishly taking swimming lessons in a pool at a Fish and Game Department hatchery) clogged a drain stopping the flow of oxygen to the fish and causing the deaths. It is not sure what condition the teddy bear is now in, or what charges, if any, will be made against the teddy bear, perhaps fishslaughter? It is unclear if there are, or not, rumours that the government at the highest level has ordered the FBI and the CIA and other secret agencies to look into the matter on the grounds of state security. It is also unclear if suspect teddy bears will be taken into custody, and what the legal rights of teddy bears are, if any, and if they can be held indefinitely without trial or legal representation. However perhaps children should be aware of the danger.

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