Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Homeland Security

U.S. School life, President Bush (and Republican) Style! Metal detectors, security guards, body searches…and, and, and…

Children and teachers killed, wounded or maimed and guns galore - this is homeland security!

But children are not even safe at Capitol Hill where the Republican Party covers up sexual motivated activities of its members in a committee concerned with the exploitation of children!

This is Homeland security!

Sorry folks, President Bush is far too busy!

Illegal invasions of foreign countries, the spreading of fear and suspicion, death and destruction, torture and illegal prisons, defending policies as well as government and party workers and members, and, and…

…and of course meeting - and following his advice - the old chum and advisor of daddy Bush, (fighting daddy’s war)…

…well let’s face it….children, women and men are dying all over the place (and soldiers too) and schools are bombed….its all part of…..

……Homeland Security!

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