Sunday, October 01, 2006

Some news titbits from the last days of September

Penis to eat

Big ones, small ones, fat ones, small ones. Dogs, ox, sheep, horse, (illegal) tiger… snake (snake!...yeah you heard right, snake!)…… and human ones too (?), well we hope not, but.......

Each has there nutritional value, or at least that is what they say at the restaurant where the waiters are called a nutritionist rather than the common name of waiter. The notion of common would seem to be a major theme in this restaurant. Alcohol is not encouraged as they consider people common who drink too much and laugh. I am not too sure whether people who laugh without drinking are also common. However apparently it would seem that people who give out large sums of money for a special meal that cost $5,700 (£3,000) are not common. Nor is it common to eat the penis of a tiger that has illegally been caught.

Of course if you do not want to eat a penis then you can always eat some testicles, although these are not recommended for women, but apparently few women (who can blame them!) go to this Chinese restaurant anyway. Well if you think you are going to find this kind of menu at your local corner Chinese restaurant you are wrong (I think!) because this restaurant that the BBC reported about is in Beijing. Of course also a place for party officials, and not common people like me who think a waiter is a waiter, although I don’t drink so at least that might be a plus point for me at this restaurant, but somehow I don’t think I will visit this restaurant, that is if I ever get to Beijing. It’s certainly no laughing matter to me, with or without alcohol! But things have certainly swollen in China when people can afford a meal costing so much!

Well I can here some people saying yeah, well what do you expect from China but one interesting note to close, the Chinese guy who started this restaurant first got interested in this nutritional food source while living in America.

Sex and those male (Republican) members

Since I was on the subject of members (although admittedly of the male private parts type) let us look at the news about a U.S. Republican Party member who has been accused of sending what is classed as improper or “over-friendly” emails to a former 16 year old teenage page (no not the book type of page but the hotel type, although in this case one who worked for another Republican Representative!).

Even more revealing is that the Republican Party member was a lawmaker (and in this capacity apparently had something to do with children’s issues - caucus on missing and exploited children!) and that top Republican Party members were aware about these over-friendly or improper emails and they did nothing about it until the matter had been raised by ABC News.

Well for those of you interested in the more sordid details you can check out the website of and the Brian Ross page. There is some dispute as to how sexual implicit (or not) these emails are, personally I think the User Comments to the article
* “Sixteen-Year-Old Who Worked as Capitol Hill Page Concerned About E-mail Exchange with Congressman” are more interesting with comments like: “….Witch hunt? Give me a break...... Must be a slow news day…… time for the left-wing media to slap the Republicans yet again, right?...” “….This is NOT news! Quit wasting my time with this worthless questionable garbage…..” or “….Brian Ross, the King of sensationalistic crap….”!


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