Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Day Liberty Lost Her Scales and Justice was Sentenced to Death by Hanging

Today is the day Liberty lost her scales and it is unlikely that the balance of Justice will ever be reached again wherever America lays its hands upon. That Saddam Hussein is guilty of crimes against the Iraqi people there can be little doubt. However, the trial that was instigated by the Americans and encouraged by a small group of former Iraqis who had lived outside Iraq there can be little doubt either. This has not been a trial of justice but a trial of politics, and despite the guilty verdict of death by hanging given to Saddam Hussein, it is in fact Justice that has been sentenced and Justice that will die by hanging.

Although the trial took place in Iraq, and was dressed up to look as though it was run by Iraqis, for Iraqis, in reality this trial was a farce, a showcase to please a select few. It was not authentic representation of a genuine Justice that covered and served all the Iraqi people. Did not even come remotely close to being this. It was show, a farce, puppets dancing on the end of strings to American political and certain Iraqi wishes, motivated by politics and for revenge.

Justice is not dying on the question of evidence, or lack of it, or on that of guilt or innocence. Justice is dying for the way the trail has been set up, run and manipulated. Justice is dying because it had nothing to do with real Justice. Justice is dying because it is not Saddam Hussein who has been sentenced to death by hanging but Justice.

Three Defending lawyers were shot dead and others intimidated, the first judge resigned because he did not like what was going on, the second judge who took over was then “removed” because he had been a former member of the Baath party and therefore was said not to be impartial, but then the third Judge who was “appointed” had family members who had been gassed by Saddam Hussein forces and was most certainly not impartial.

And this is being called Justice!

There was political interference, during the first year Saddam Hussein had no legal representation, and when representation was finally given to him it had great trouble in even trying to do so, and Saddam Hussein was held in prison by the Americans and not by the Iraqis. And as an Amnesty International person said: "The independence and impartiality of the court was impugned.

This is truly the day that Liberty lost her scales and Justice was sentenced to death by hanging!

But Liberty had been losing her scales and justice had been dying right from the start.

The illegal invasion of Iraq by America and the UK and other allies. People arrested illegally and held in illegal detention centres, secret prisons, torture and abuse of prisoners and innocent civilians, the deaths of thousands of innocent people…….the list goes on and on.

Liberty no longer holds the scales and Justice is as good as dead!

Never again will we be able to look toward America as representing Justice and liberty and freedom and honesty and all the other virtues we might once have valued America representing in a democratic and free world.

America today is no longer democratic or free to the outside world.

The policies and leadership of George W. Bush has destroyed the scales of Liberty and sentenced Justice to hang!

And this is being called Justice! A victory for Justice!

It is the day that Justice bows its head in shame as it walks to the gallows through the rubble of the broken scales!

And how many others will die or be imprisoned because of this?

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