Wednesday, November 08, 2006


(Quote from BBC NEWS: Israeli raid 'kills 18 civilians') “……..At least 18 Palestinians have been killed and 40 wounded by Israel tank fire in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun, Palestinian sources have said.
Palestinian officials said Israeli troops fired on houses, and that women and children were among the dead.
The Israeli army has said it fired shells in response to rocket fire by militants……”. (end of quote from BBC News)

See BBC News at:

Once again, the politics and military actions of Israel and the general publics support of this in Israel shows that it must be one of the most repulsive in the world, if not the most repulsive. Only one thing can possibly be even more repulsive and that is the fact that the world, under the leadership of America, stands by and does nothing. British politics are also a major player in this. As for the United Nations, it is little more than a platform for the dominating nations, once again chiefly America and Britain, to influence the rest of the world. The name and the actions of the United Nations are little more than camouflage for those who eagerly like to be deceived or for those who like to pretend that there is even a thread of “united nations” in equality or real usefulness. There will be those that argue that it is better than nothing, they are probably right about this, but even so should we not be ashamed that this is the best of “better than nothing” that we can produce. For in reality it is our own actions, or more correctly lack of them, that allows the situation to be this way.

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