Saturday, November 04, 2006

Is American Republican based Morals dragging down the rest of the World?

If the republican Bush war in Iraq and Afghanistan was not enough, America is also riddled with sex scandals, corruption and hypocrisy involving the Republican Party and its close supporters.

Illegal invasion of foreign countries, misinformation, misleading reports and truths, torture, killings of thousands of innocent people - men women and children, degrading of prisoners, prisoner abuse, illegal detention of prisoners, secret prisons, missing weapons, corruption and disappearance of millions of dollars intended for Iraq help, how to build nuclear bomb details on government web page, dubious contracts to companies in Iraq and excessive amounts of money have disappeared or unaccounted for or overcharged, civil rights infringed upon or reduced, people arrested or locked up on false or incorrect charges or misinformation,…….the list on these issues alone is almost endless.

Then there is the Republican Party and its supporters at home in America. Sex scandals in congress! Corruption scandals one after another! And now the strong and closely tied Washington Bush/Republican relationship with the National Association of Evangelicals has revealed another scandal. White House spokesman Tony Fratto admits that Reverend Ted Haggard had been on a couple of evangelical calls with the White House, also stating: "but (Haggard) was not a weekly participant in those calls. I believe he's been at the White House one or two times."

The leader of the National Association of Evangelicals with 30 million members and representing 45,000 churches across the United States is not only caught up in a sex scandal but also one concerning honesty. First of all the Reverend Ted Haggard denies having anything to do with the apparently self-confessed male prostitute Mr Jones. Then he says he had telephone contact with Mr Jones. Then under pressure, this then turns from a simple telephone contact to buying drugs (methamphetamine) from him. And then this turns into admitting he did receive a massage from this self-confessed gay male prostitute, although still denies there was anything sexual in it? And then….?

That Reverend Ted Haggard was the head of an association representing 30 million evangelical members across America who use their political clout against abortion, gay marriage and other major social and religious issues not only makes them all appear hypocritical, to say the very least, but seems to tie in with the general low Morals of the Republican Party and its close supporters.

Of course the advantage of belonging to a religious group such as the Evangelicals is that you can always find an excuse for some behaviour (if it concerns your own kind that is!): It is the devils work, or it is Gods will, or it becomes an “opportunity” because if he repents we can forgive (and happily forget) him for this,……….the list is almost as endless as are those above concerning the Republican Party. As I said in another article, Americans like the “backdoor” option.

It is amazing how much scandal the Republican Party and its close supporters such as the Evangelicals are prepared to tolerate if it concerns one of their own, however they are soon quick to deny the same rights to anyone who is not one of their own. Abortion, gay marriage war in Iraq with the deaths of hundred of thousands of innocent people, including babies and children……….

Even more amazing is that these people continue to doggedly and blindly support a party that is clearly on the wrong road as far as morals issues are concerned, just for the promise to get their own doctrines listen to and dealt with by Washington.

Hypocrisy is the word of the day. Morals, forget it!

And these low morals are dragging down the rest of the world.

See also:

Vote 2006 Scandal Watch Political Scandals: State-by-State

NEW YORK: Rep. Sue Kelly (R-N.Y.)

Sue Kelly, who was chairwoman of the House Page Program five years ago, is now being questioned by her Democratic challenger, John Hall, about what she might have known and when. The solid GOP ground Kelly was standing on in Katanoh, N.Y., just a month ago may now be shaky.

Jeanine Pirro (R-N.Y.), Attorney General Candidate

Jeanine Pirro disclosed that she is under federal investigation for plotting to secretly tape-record her unfaithful husband.

Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-N.Y.)

Immediately after the Foley scandal broke, Tom Reynolds, as the chairman of the House Republican Campaign Committee, took the spotlight. Complaints from pages who received inappropriate Foley e-mails were directed to his office by the GOP House leadership.

Despite Reynold's initial appeal that he did what anyone else would do with Foley's e-mails, "report them to his supervisor," the congressman from western New York finds himself under increasing pressure. His campaign released a commercial in which Reynolds candidly defended himself: "I trusted that others had investigated. Looking back, more should have been done, and for that, I am sorry."

NEW JERSEY: Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.)

New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez' dealings with a nonprofit agency are being investigated by the U.S. Attorney's office, which his Republican opponent Tom Kean Jr. is eager to remind voters. Bob Menendez was appointed to office after Jon Corzine vacated he seat to become governor of New Jersey.

PENNSYLVANIA: Rep. Don Sherwood (R-Pa.)

Rep. Don Sherwood is under attack for an affair he had several years ago for which he was sued and has settled. The story broke recently and is being trumpeted through a slate of TV ads by Sherwood’s challenger Chris Carney. Sherwood has responded in his own TV ad in which he apologies for the affair.

Curt Weldon (R-Pa.)

Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., allegedly used his influence to help his daughter's lobbying firm secure contracts worth $1 million from foreign clients. The FBI raided his daughter's home and office last week in what Weldon termed a politically motivated inquiry.

WEST VIRGINIA: Rep. Allan Mollohan (D-W. Va.)

Rep. Alan Mollohan, D-W.Va., is the subject of an investigation into federal money given to nonprofit groups that contributed to his campaigns.

OHIO: Former Rep. Bob Ney’s (R-Ohio) Seat

Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, pleaded guilty for taking money, gifts and favors in return for official actions on behalf of disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his clients.

ILLINOIS: Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.)

While it's expected that Dennis Hastert will be re-elected, his position as House speaker, which he has held longer than any other Republican in the history of Congress, has been put at risk. ABC News' George Stephanopolous has said he does not expect Hastert to retain the speakership if the Republicans maintain control of the house.

Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.)

John Shimkus received complaints about Foley as the chairman of the House Page Program. He intervened last fall to stop Foley from e-mailing a former page who considered the contact inappropriate. "I think there's stuff that everybody would have done differently," Shimkus said after he voluntarily testified before the House Ethics Committee.

FLORIDA: Former Rep. Mark Foley's Seat (R-Fla.)

Mark Foley's resignation left his own job up for grabs, with most recent polls showing his Florida district leaning toward a Democratic candidate who at one time was considered the underdog. It's too late to remove Foley's name from the ballot, but State Rep. Joe Negron takes Foley's place if the Republicans win.

Rep. Katherine Harris (R-Fla.)

Rep. Katherine Harris, who’s now running for the Senate from Florida, was questioned by the Justice Department in the campaign contribution scandal involving Rep. Duke Cunningham. Harris has said she’s not a target of the investigation.

LOUISIANA: Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.)

Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., was the target of an FBI raid in May at his Capitol Hill office as part of an investigation into whether he took a $100,000 bribe -- all but $10,000 of which was found in the freezer of his Washington home -- in 2005.

TEXAS: Former Rep. Tom Delay’s (R-Texas) Seat

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, dogged by charges of money laundering in Texas, resigned from Congress in June and is awaiting trial.

ARIZONA: Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.)

While Jim Kolbe is retiring at the end of his term, he still has not been able to avoid getting drawn into the Foley fallout. Last week his office confirmed that an inappropriate e-mail was brought to the attention of Kolbe's office and was forwarded to Foley's office for evaluation.

Kolbe is now also under investigation as federal prosecutors in Arizona look into a camping trip he took with two former pages and others in 1996, according to a law enforcement official.

CALIFORNIA: Former Rep. Duke Cunningham’s Seat (R-Calif.)

Former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., is serving jail time for taking $2.4 million in bribes from defense contractors.

John Doolittle (R-Calif.)

Rep. John Doolittle, R-Calif., accepted campaign money from Abramoff and used the lobbyist's luxury sports box for a fundraiser without reporting it initially. Doolittle's wife and one of his former aides also worked for the lobbyist.

Tan Nguyen GOP Candidate California

Republican candidate and Vietnamese Immigrant Tan Nguyen has been asked by some Republican leaders to leave the race for letters that were sent discouraging certain Hispanic immigrants from voting. Nguyen has said that a member of his staff sent the letter without his knowledge, this staffer has been relieved of duty and he intends to stay in the race.

MONTANA: Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.)

Sen. Conrad Burns, R-mont., received about $150,000 in donations from Abramoff, his clients and his associates. Burns has since returned the money or given it to charity.

See also:

GOP aides took early Foley 'damage control' call

All in the Family: Fathers, Daughters and Political Investigations

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