Friday, November 03, 2006

Shocking Results! 75% of British see Bush as the Second Greatest Threat to World Peace

A report published today shows that the British public, so called allies of America, see George W. Bush as the second greatest threat to world peace.

Only Bin Laden came higher (87% think he is a danger) in the opinion poll survey. Bush is seen as a far greater threat (75% think he is a danger) than the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il (69% think he is a danger), the president of Iran (62% think he is a danger), and the leader of Hizbullah Hassan Nasrallah (65% think he is danger).

Bush once saw both North Korea and Iran as part of an "axis of evil", yet Bush himself is now seen as a far greater threat, and has taken this roll over from Iran and North Korea. Bush now shares this position together with Bin laden!

71% of the British voters now say the invasion of Iraq was unjustified.

69% of the British voters believe US/Bush policy has made the world less safe since 2001

The survey was also carried out in Israel, Canada and Mexico.

62% of Canadians think the world has become more dangerous because of US/Bush policy.

in addition, 73% of Canadians think the war in Iraq was unjustified.

57% of Mexicans think the world has become more dangerous because of US/Bush’s policy

in addition, 89% of Mexicans see the invasion of Iraq as unjustified.

36% of Israeli voters say that the world is more dangerous because of US/Bush policy


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