Friday, November 10, 2006

Poisonous Propaganda

Poisonous Propaganda the very true words from Tony Blair! In the world of psychology, it is usually recognised that people who use certain words often, or on a regular bases, or in a certain way to blame another person are very often projecting there own “things” onto this other person or persons. This certainly would seem to be the case regarding Tony Blair.

Tony Blair talks of poisonous propaganda warping the minds of young people. He and the head of the British MI5 say that they know of 30 terror plots threatening the UK and that 1,600 people are under surveillance.

However (BBC News quote): “……Massoud Shadjareh, of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said he accepted there was a terrorist threat but it had to be put into perspective.

"Over 1,000 arrests have been made under anti-terrorism since 9/11 and out of those, 27 have been found guilty. Out of those 27, only nine have been Muslims," ……….”

(end of quote from:

If there are so many “warped” people how come? In addition, how come so many “warped” were (apparently) not about before 9/11? Why are there all of a sudden so many “warped” people, most of whom would seem to be young Islamic people according to Tony Blair. Moreover, what about real scientific proof? Who decides that these young people are “warped” or being “warped”? And how, on what basis, and to what criteria and whose criteria?

Tony Blair’s, MI5’s, the police, right-wingers, or?

The MI5 has 50% more staff than it had before 9/11. The head of MI5 says even so MI5 will not be able to manage.

In an earlier article of mine (The land of 1984 wakes up to 1984) you can read that the British people are the most watched people in the whole world and are equal with Russia in being the most controlled.

Clearly, these statements from Blair and the head of MI5 are intended to increase this even more.

However no doubt there are other causes and reasons.

Tony Blair used the words “poisonous propaganda”. And we can surely wonder where exactly does this “poisonous propaganda” come from, or arise! Under the leadership of the person who uses these words, Britain together with the USA (under leadership of his close political friend Bush) invaded Iraq and the whole world was told that it was because Iraq posed a nuclear threat. This turned out to be false, “poisonous propaganda”. Since then we have been bombarded by “fear” by one means or another, how much we are at risk, the terrorists this or that, and so on, “poisonous propaganda”. Certainly, there is some truth in these things, if there was not then they would have no effect at all. These things must always be built on at least some truth.

Let us look at some of the advantages of using such fear techniques:

1) First and foremost it serves the person using such techniques and arguments in some personal psychological way.

2) It makes the people easier to control and manipulate

3) It opens backdoors for excuse if anything goes wrong (we warned you = so it is your (own) fault)

4) Makes it easier to get funding for the security departments

5) Makes it easier to increase the security and controlling departments

6) Often such people live in denial states: they often need to see themselves as being the “do gooders” - the “Angels” while the other is the “devil”; are unable to truly admit they are wrong, always see the other as the wrong doers; and that they have not played any negative role in the outcome; this helps them maintain this way of being

7) Helps keep someone in power, or control of power

8) Feeds the hungry ego

9) more and more control

There are more but this is just to get the picture.

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, we all lived in fear of war with Russia. Nuclear bombs and wars, spies and infiltrations, “commies” under the bed, invasion……….the list goes on.

“poisonous propaganda”

(Although we are lucky that neither Bush nor Blair were in power then otherwise there might well have been real nuclear disaster, but now we live with another type disaster.)

There is little doubt that something is wrong, the only question is where and with whom is it really wrong? The question is: from where is the real poisonous propaganda coming from and who is really creating it, and what is the real purpose?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, let's face it! nobody gives a shit about what you say, man!!!...and yet, you are so fuckin' right...